Ray Fisher Presents New Particulars About His Justice League AllegationsLater this month, Zack Snyder’s Justice League will hit HBO Max. Nonetheless, the behind-the-scenes battle continues...
Ray Fisher Targets Geoff Johns in New Justice League AllegationsThe drama surrounding Joss Whedon’s alleged misconduct whereas spearheading Justice League’s reshoots continues to unfold....
Jason Momoa Shares His Assist For Ray Fisher’s Justice League AllegationsOver the weekend, the disagreement between Justice League co-star Ray Fisher and Warner Bros....
Ray Fisher Shares New Particulars About Justice League MisconductFor the previous few months, Ray Fisher has been more and more vocal about Justice League...
Ray Fisher Provides New Particulars About His Justice League AllegationsLater this month, Zack Snyder’s Justice League will hit HBO Max. Nonetheless, the behind-the-scenes battle continues...